We produce and offer quality oils, purity & concentration levels. They are the best tasting organic oils available.C60 Evo’s 100% pure ESS60 is processed to be safe for human consumption. Some (other) C60 products on the market have been found to contain solvents which are known be dangerous to your health.
C60 Evo’s ESS60/C60 are also always mixed with high-quality organic oils. Be aware that some companies selling C60 products in MCT oils are using palm oil rather than organic coconut oil.
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What is ESS60 in C60 Evo Supplements?
- Our ESS60 was the (C60) formulation used in the 2012 original Paris study when ESS60 Supplements doubled the lifespan of rats.
- ESS60 is produced, certified and guaranteed to be safe for human consumption.
- Unpurified C60 is processed for industrial purposes and not recommended for humans.
- Our ESS60 Supplements is solvent-free, vacuum oven baked, and washed Carbon 60 that is systemically stirred in the dark at controlled temperature with an inert buffer gas.
- ESS60 Supplements is an allotropic form of carbon discovered by Rice University researchers in 1985.
- Insist on C60 Evo’s 100% pure ESS60 for you and your pets!